Xiaomi has scheduled a “Premier” event for April 23rd in New Delhi when many people expect the company to launch a new device for the global market. The device has been described as a “lite” version of the company’s flagship Mi 4 smartphone and appears to be dubbed the Mi 4i. A lower case “i” has figured prominently in the teasers that Xiaomi has been releasing.
Thus far Xiaomi has released three teasers about their new device. The first two focused on the resolution of the display and the battery size of the device. The latest ad targets the craftsmanship of the smartphone and asks whether all smartphones are “Crafted the same?” The answer put forth is, “iDISAGREES” which is the same tagline used in the two previous teasers.
Sources indicate the Mi 4i is expected to run on a Snapdragon 615 processor and will have 2 GB of RAM. The device will have a 4.9-inch full HD display and will run Android 5.0.2 Lollipop out of the box, with Xiaomi’s MIUI skin on top. Sources say the phone will support 4G LTE and should work in most global markets.
Xiaomi has slowly been working their way toward being a player in the global smartphone market. They have already risen to become the third largest manufacturer in China based on sales in their home country and in India. However, they have been very deliberate about not expanding from those markets too quickly, so the release of a global smartphone is a major step for the company.
source: fonearena
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