Although it was not part of their big event today to launch the Huawei P8 and Huawei P8max, the company also launched a third device aimed at the mid-tier market. The Huawei P8 Lite comes with a 5-inch display running at 1280 x 720 resolution and is powered by a Kirin 620 octa-core processor. Despite being a mid-tier device, the P8 Lite will support 4G LTE service and comes equipped with a reasonably capable 13 MP rear camera. The hardware also includes 2 GB of RAM and 16 GB of internal storage.
Huawei has not yet announced pricing or availability for the P8 Lite, although seeing it hit the same 30 markets as the P8 and P8max would not be surprising. Sources believe pricing should be consistent with something like the Motorola Moto G, which would be a competing device.
source: phoneArena
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